Create Pay Stubs

Company Information

Step 1 of 3
What state does this company operate in?
Full 9 digits of the company's Employer Identification Number.
The image can be in PNG or JPG format. The maximum file size is 1 MB.
{( )}
{( )}
{( )}, {( )} {( )}
{( )}

{( form.employee.isContractor ? 'Contractor' : 'Employee' )} Information

Step 2 of 3
Last 4 digits of the {( form.employee.isContractor ? 'contractor' : 'employee' )}'s Social Security Number.
Federal W-4
This can be found in Form W-4, Step 1 (c).
This can be found in Form W-4, Step 2 (c).
This can be found in Form W-4, Step 3.
This can be found in Form W-4, Step 4 (a).
This can be found in Form W-4, Step 4 (b).
This can be found in Form W-4, Step 4 (c).
This can be found in Form W-4, Step 3.
This can be found in Form W-4, Step 5.
This can be found in Form W-4, Step 6.
State W-4
{( )}
This state has no income tax and therefore no withholding requirements.
The income tax will be calculated at the supplemental wage rate for this state.
We do not support income tax calculation for this state yet, you will need to enter state withholding manually.
Contractors are solely responsible for paying their own taxes, choosing this option will zero all tax deductions on the pay stubs.
{( )}
{( form.employee.address.line )}
{( )}, {( form.employee.address.state )} {( )}
XXX-XX-{( form.employee.ssn )}

Payroll Template

Step 3 of 3
How often is the {( form.employee.isContractor ? 'contractor' : 'employee' )} paid?
The pay period that you need a pay stub for. Select the most recent pay period if you need a sequence of pay stubs.
Specify the hire date if hiring has taken place during reporting year.
Select the total number of pay stubs in the sequence that you want to get.

If some data on this step does not meet your needs (like the pay period dates), you will be able to change it in the next step.

After pre-generation, the pay stubs will be displayed below in chronological order.

They will be completely customizable. The first pay stub in the sequence will allow changing more data than the next ones. You will be able to add newer or older pay stubs too.

You will be able to use this payroll template section to pre-generate the pay stubs sequence all over again if needed.

{( stubIndex + 1 )}
Earnings Hours Rate Total Last YTD YTD  
${( calculateEarningTotal(stub, earning) | numeral )} ${( calculateEarningYtd(stub, earning) | numeral )}
      ${( calculateCurrentGrossPay(stub) | numeral )} ${( calculateLastYtdGrossPay(stub) | numeral )} ${( calculateYtdGrossPay(stub) | numeral )}  
Deductions Total Last YTD YTD  
{( )} {( )} {( )} {( )} ({( )}) ${( calculateDeductionTotal(stub, deduction) | numeral )} ${( calculateDeductionTotal(stub, deduction) | numeral )} ${( calculateDeductionTotal(stub, deduction) | numeral )} ${( calculateDeductionTotal(stub, deduction) | numeral )} ${( calculateDeductionYtd(stub, deduction) | numeral )}
  ${( calculateCurrentDeductions(stub) | numeral )} ${( calculateLastYtdDeductions(stub) | numeral )} ${( calculateYtdDeductions(stub) | numeral )}  
YTD Gross
${( calculateYtdGrossPay(stub) | numeral )}
YTD Deductions
${( calculateYtdDeductions(stub) | numeral )}
YTD Net Pay
${( calculateYtdNetPay(stub) | numeral )}
Gross Pay
${( calculateCurrentGrossPay(stub) | numeral )}
${( calculateCurrentDeductions(stub) | numeral )}
Net Pay
${( calculateCurrentNetPay(stub) | numeral )}
Choosing pay dates within different years is not allowed in order to preserve correct YTD calculations. If you need to create a pay stub with a pay date in a different year, you can create it in another batch.
You need to verify your email address in order to create pay stubs.
The 6-digit code that was sent to your email address. We recommend that you check your spam folder if the email has not arrived within seconds.